Monday, February 11, 2013

Sack Lunches Approved

I am so pumped. All my research and rebuttal (even tactfulness) paid off. The director of child nutrition came and spoke with my principal and approved sack lunches for the purpose of detention! Another element of unpleasantness to detention!!! I like it! The first week I have seen an influx of student assignments but that is because more teachers are using the detention than the system before.  I anticipated this and am documenting it. I can't wait to see how the sack lunches impact students coming back.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Action Research: Care Model

Tool 8.1 CARE Model: Planning Tool
Identify Concerns that must change (look to the future)
(Assign points to concerns from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important issues to consider.)
1. Reduce unwanted behaviors in class during instruction time.
2. Current lunch detention is ineffective.
3. The need for someone to enforce repercussions for not showing up to detention.
Identify Affirmations that must be sustained (look to the present)
(Assign points to affirmations from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important issues to consider.)
1. Discipline is part of classroom management.
2. Removing social time from students is a motivator for good behavior.
3. Change in the current lunch detention is needed.
SMART Recommendations that must be implemented:
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)
(Assign points to recommendations from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important recommendations to implement.)
1. Teachers must record detention assignments properly (google docs).
2. Detention rules must be enforced.
3. Students must be told why they are serving lunch detention.
EVALUATE – Specifically and Often
(Identify the best ways to evaluate the implemented recommendations.)
1. Google Docs form is accessible to all teachers, updates daily. Used to check in students.
2. Students sign and agree to detention rules – Facilitator is to enforce them.
3. Students write a reflection in detention on why they are in detention, who gave them detention and how can they avoid being assigned detention again. Do students understand the behaviors contributing to the assignment of detention?

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Part 3 Action Research Plan

Action Research Project
Process Overview
Lunch Detention
1.       Setting the Foundation – Teachers feel our current lunch detention plan is ineffective in reducing unwanted behaviors in the school during classes, lunch, or in the hallways. There are numerous repeat offenders assigned detention for the same offense over and over.  We, my site supervisor and I, would like to know if an isolated, firmly monitored lunch detention affect the overall number of students assigned to detention, number of repeat assignments to detention, and student behaviors in classrooms and hallways? We would like to see a reduction in attendance, a reduction in repeat offenders, and a reduction in unwanted behavior in the classroom.
2.       Analyzing Data:
a.        I will review Lunch Detention Assignment Log for number of students assigned, breakdown assignments and calculate repeat offenders, breakdown repeat offenders placed for repeat offenses.
b.      I will create a Teacher Survey evaluating current lunch detention program and current usage of program.
c.       I will research lunch detention programs via internet.
3.       Develop a Deeper Understanding:
a.        Interview with Principal, Sarah Weeks, discuss legalities of sack lunch provided over going through the cafeteria for hot meal, and discuss policies and procedures of the proposed lunch detention plan.
b.      Interview with Assistant Principal, Mike Beaupre, to discuss policies and procedures of proposed lunch detention.
c.       Meet with grade level teams to discuss policies and procedures of proposed lunch detention.
d.      I will meet with the Cafeteria Manager, Jackie White, to obtain procedures of requesting sack lunches.
e.      I will meet with Maintenance Supervisor, Robby Waller, to find a classroom with desks and chairs empty through lunches available to house lunch detention.
4.       Engage in Self-Reflection:
a.       Can I facilitate all 3 lunch detentions?
b.      If downtown does not approve sack lunches, what are our alternatives?
c.       Can I enforce all the rules to all the students in detention alone?
d.      Are there enough desks to accommodate the maximum number of students assigned lunch detention in the past?
5.       Exploring Programmatic Patterns:
a.       Will students report to the correct location for lunch detention?
b.      Will a reduction in attendance correlate with a reduction in unwanted behaviors in class and halls?
c.       Will parents have a problem with sack lunches?
d.      Is there enough time for the students to write a 200 word essay on their behavior?
e.      What will students do with extra time after writing and eating?
f.        What will be done with students there are not enough desks for?
6.       Determining Direction –
a.       I want to know if a an isolated, firmly monitored lunch detention affect the overall number of students assigned to detention, number of repeat assignments to detention, and student behaviors in classrooms and hallways?
b.      We have rearranged my schedule so that I can facilitate all 3 lunches. If downtown does not approve sack lunches, we will take them into the lunch room single filed to get their lunch and they are only allowed the regular lunch with no extra goodies.  IF there becomes a problem in the detention room, I will have a radio for assistance to the Assistant Principal, Principal, Campus Monitor and Police Liaison. If there are too many students to desk/chair ration, there are risers in the room that they will sit on, yet follow the same rules. I will be providing a list of detention students to the teachers prior to the students’ lunch who will remind students of their detention and where to report. With data collection we will find out the correlation between lunch detention and behavior and new detention verses old detention. If parents have a problem with the sack lunches, they will be referred to the principal and provided documentation of the school meeting all nutrition requirements.  Students will continue to follow the rules of sitting silently, straight forward, not looking around, waiting for the end of detention.
c.       I will meet with all grade level for their input and survey all teachers on campus. As the implantation progresses input will be asked of all teachers and administrators to keep collaboration going and reach the best results.
d.      This will be implemented until the end of the year. I will be looking at data weekly to document patters but taking an overall look in the middle (about 6 weeks into implementation) and at the end (14 week overall program). I will take the summer to review documentation and come up with results and presentation for the beginning of the new school year with recommendations of how to proceed and any ways we can enhance the program to achieve better results.
e.      With data collections, surveys and personal observations I believe I have a sound means of monitoring the project.
f.        Determining the level of success will be with data of students assigned, number of repeat offenders all compared to previous and to initial start of implementation. Also, the results of surveys from teachers will help in determining if there is a correlation in the students’ behavior in the classroom and hallways.
g.       Revisions will be made as we go and intercept issues. Recommendations will be made to the Principal and Assistant Principal for improving the plan. Adjustments will be made as necessary to accommodate the highest level of results.
7.       Taking Action for School Improvement – A written summary of results will be done and a presentation with graphs and other visuals will be made to deliver the results to all stakeholders interested.
Sustain Improvement – A presentation will be ready for professional development with graphs and other visual aids to make understanding of the program and its effectiveness easy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning
Goal: To prove that an isolated and firmly monitored lunch detention reduces the overall number of students assigned to detention, the number of repeat assignments to detention, and the unwanted behaviors in classrooms and hallways?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Find room available for lunch detention

Ginger Potts/ Principal Sara Weeks/
Head Maintenance Robby Waller
Unoccupied room from 11:15am- 1:00pm
Desks, Chairs
Walk through if set up is ready

Approval from District Cafeteria Manager for sack lunches

Ginger Potts/ Cafeteria Manager Jackie White
Letter typed
Final Approval received from District

Parent Notification

Ginger Potts/ Last Period Teachers
1/28- 2/7
Letter typed
Copies made
Distribution to students
Notification delivered to all students last period

Detention Rule Sheet

Ginger Potts
Rules approved,
Sheet typed,
Copies made
Reviewed by Assistant Principal Mike Beaupre, Approved by Principal Sarah Weeks
Lined Paper and Pencils
Ginger Potts
Supply of Lined Paper and Pencils bought to provide students
Check for efficient number of supply
Teacher Survey
Ginger Potts
Survey Monkey Site
Prepare Questions
Survey results tallied and documented
Teacher notification of new policies and procedures
Ginger Potts
Email Survey, letter with rules
Meet with teams to ensure understanding and address questions

Pull prior Lunch detention data
Ginger Potts/ Mike Beaupre
Google Doc printed
Search for patterns of repetition and how many teachers are using the system in place, record reasons for assignment.
Begin Implementation
Ginger Potts/ Mike Beaupre
2/8 – 6/7
Classroom, Sack lunches, Rule sheet, lined paper, pencil, teacher assignment document, Students
Keep track of Students assigned/reassigned, enforce rules, student survey and observations
Teacher Mid Survey
Ginger Potts
Survey Monkey Site
prepare questions
Tally Survey Results
Document patterns
Document changes reflect on effectiveness
Teacher End Survey

Ginger Potts
Survey Monkey Site
prepare questions
Tally Survey Results
Document patterns
Compile research findings
Ginger Potts
All data and observations
Write a summary of findings
Create a graph showing visual effectiveness or ineffectiveness
Report Findings
Ginger Potts
Summary and supporting documentation
Send Report to Assistant Principal, Principal, and Teachers at School and any other interested stakeholders