Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning
Goal: To prove that an isolated and firmly monitored lunch detention reduces the overall number of students assigned to detention, the number of repeat assignments to detention, and the unwanted behaviors in classrooms and hallways?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Find room available for lunch detention

Ginger Potts/ Principal Sara Weeks/
Head Maintenance Robby Waller
Unoccupied room from 11:15am- 1:00pm
Desks, Chairs
Walk through if set up is ready

Approval from District Cafeteria Manager for sack lunches

Ginger Potts/ Cafeteria Manager Jackie White
Letter typed
Final Approval received from District

Parent Notification

Ginger Potts/ Last Period Teachers
1/28- 2/7
Letter typed
Copies made
Distribution to students
Notification delivered to all students last period

Detention Rule Sheet

Ginger Potts
Rules approved,
Sheet typed,
Copies made
Reviewed by Assistant Principal Mike Beaupre, Approved by Principal Sarah Weeks
Lined Paper and Pencils
Ginger Potts
Supply of Lined Paper and Pencils bought to provide students
Check for efficient number of supply
Teacher Survey
Ginger Potts
Survey Monkey Site
Prepare Questions
Survey results tallied and documented
Teacher notification of new policies and procedures
Ginger Potts
Email Survey, letter with rules
Meet with teams to ensure understanding and address questions

Pull prior Lunch detention data
Ginger Potts/ Mike Beaupre
Google Doc printed
Search for patterns of repetition and how many teachers are using the system in place, record reasons for assignment.
Begin Implementation
Ginger Potts/ Mike Beaupre
2/8 – 6/7
Classroom, Sack lunches, Rule sheet, lined paper, pencil, teacher assignment document, Students
Keep track of Students assigned/reassigned, enforce rules, student survey and observations
Teacher Mid Survey
Ginger Potts
Survey Monkey Site
prepare questions
Tally Survey Results
Document patterns
Document changes reflect on effectiveness
Teacher End Survey

Ginger Potts
Survey Monkey Site
prepare questions
Tally Survey Results
Document patterns
Compile research findings
Ginger Potts
All data and observations
Write a summary of findings
Create a graph showing visual effectiveness or ineffectiveness
Report Findings
Ginger Potts
Summary and supporting documentation
Send Report to Assistant Principal, Principal, and Teachers at School and any other interested stakeholders


  1. Ginger, everything looks great! The only thing I see is at the top. Is your goal in a question or a statement. It starts off in a statement but has a question mark at the end. Just curious if I was reading this wrong. Other than that it looks ready to go :)

  2. Hi Ginger,

    Your plan looks well thought out. Your action steps are clear and concise and your timeline looks reasonable. Based on what I see here it looks like you are ready to go!

  3. Thanks Jacqui I went and put the correct punctuation at the end I did cut and past my question and failed to change it for the statement.

  4. Looks great! We all know children love lunch time since its a time to be even more social than why they are in class. Taking away that opportunity from them and giving them lunch detention will, I believe, alleviate many discipline problems.

  5. Ginger, this looks great. One thing you might consider, and I'm not sure it's totally necessary since there's really no instructions for this, is to add a little more detail to a couple of the actions on the action steps column. For example, the Detention Rule Sheet and Lined Paper and Pencils, you might want to say what the action will be with those in that column. I might say something like this: Essential supplies such as lined paper and pencils will be purchased and provided to students.
    Detention rule sheet will be reviewed and accepted by the administrator. Then include the administrators name along with yours under the persons responsible column.
